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Server Virtualization for Cloud Computing : How to Setup a Virtualized Server for Enterprise - Wide Computing

As part of the  Go Cloud Architects  program, we got to learn about  Virtualization , a key feature in Cloud Computing. I had to do a lot of research since at university since I did not have this in my curriculum and was project management oriented at my workplace. But still I am super passionate and ready to put what it takes for that Cloud Architect career. SO WHAT IS SERVER VIRTUALIZATION ? When we talked about the consolidation of Cloud Computing, we are talking about compute, networking and storage. And the Compute machine can be further divided into  Virtual Machines  and  Containers . " Server Virtualization is when you take a physical server and you logically divide that physical server into multiple logical servers. By doing you are buying an extremely powerful server and it can take actually the function of multiple servers (10,20,30 servers) based upon your environment". HISTORY OF VIRTUALIZATION The concept of virtualization started its industri...

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